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When Can My Baby Eat Macaroni and Cheese

Best Finger Foods for Babies


Medically Reviewed by Marvin Resmovits, M.D.

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on December 8, 2020

Now that your baby is able to pick up food and put it in his mouth on his own, you can break out the finger foods.

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Once your little one discovers he can get food into his mouth, it's likely time to break out the Cheerios and other tasty bite-sized finger foods. Get ideas on what to feed your adorable eater with this go-to guide.

When can you give babies finger foods?

Whether you introduced solids to baby through purees or have chosen to adopt thebaby-led weaning approach (which starts solids in the form of gummable foods in long, thick pieces), your baby will probably be ready to start self-feeding around 7 or 8 months, or once he is mastering the pincer grasp.

Of course, always get the green light from your child's pediatrician before introducing solids and finger foods.

Best finger foods for babies

What are the best finger foods to hand over to your baby? Look for a consistency that can be gummed before swallowing or that will dissolve easily in the mouth — no chewing should be necessary at this early stage (whether or not your little one has been visited by the tooth fairy).

If you've already introduced solids in the form of purees (as opposed to baby-led weaning), start offering finger foods that have been well-received in pureed form, serving them up in manageable cubes or chunks — pea-size for firmer items, marble-size for softer foods. At first, serve foods with softer textures (such as overripe bananas, ripe avocados or steamed carrots), and eventually build up the texture.

Read on for plenty of tasty-yet-safe finger food suggestions.

Bread or crackers

Even babies who can't pick things up with their fingers can hold a biscuit or a piece of lightly toasted bread in their hands and suck on it until it dissolves into a gooey mess. The trick is finding breads and crackers that turn mushy (not lumpy) in his mouth and are easier to swallow. Later on, when he's a pro at the pincer grasp, you can put small pieces of lightly toasted bread on his high-chair tray. And just to save yourself some trouble when he becomes a pickier toddler, get him used to whole grains right from the start.

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Oat circle cereal

There's a reason why every mom has a box of Cheerios in her pantry (and a baggie of them in her purse) — they're the perfect size and texture for little fingers and tender gums to practice on. But you can also think outside the circle and serve your baby wheat or rice puffs, too. Another bonus: Your baby will be so busy working on her new skill ("Look at me eating all by myself!") that you'll probably be able to sit and enjoy a bowl of cereal yourself. Cereals to skip for now include honey-flavored ones — babies under one shouldn't have honey, even when it's baked into something.


Kid-friendly, protein-packed, loaded with calcium and other bone-building minerals — what's not to love about cheese? Start your baby off with a mild-tasting, pasteurized variety (children should not have unpasteurized cheese), like mozzarella or a non-sharp cheddar, either shredded or cut into tiny cubes. When he's used to the taste and texture, you can broaden his range by including havarti and Swiss and serving up kid faves like bits of grilled cheese and quesadillas. But shun soft cheese like brie or feta — they can contain Listeria, a bacterium that can cause food poisoning — and stay away from string cheese and cheese sticks unless you cut it up into smaller pieces (otherwise, he could bite off more than he can gum).


Turn your baby into a fruit fiend by giving her squished blueberries or small pieces of soft fruits like banana or very ripe, peeled and skinned pear. (To make it easier to pick up slippery banana pieces, try dusting them in crushed Cheerios first.) Ripe mangoes, peaches, apricots, kiwis, honeydew and cantaloupe are also likely to appeal to your baby's sweet tooth (or gums), but make sure to take off any skin first. Not all fruit is baby-friendly, though. Avoid pieces of apple, even without the skin, for now. Ditto any other harder-textured or unripe fruit that could get stuck in the windpipe.


Once your baby's started solid foods, just about any vegetable can be baby-proofed by cooking it until it's very tender. Merely cut away the stalks, and broccoli and cauliflower florets can be turned into teeny-tiny trees for your little one's culinary amusement. Very small pieces of sweet potatoes, carrots, peas (cut in half or crushed) and butternut squash make sweet sides for your sweetie when cooked until soft — and they're loaded with beta-carotene and other nutrients. Avocados are another treat — and packed with good fats to build up little brains and bodies. Vegetables to skip for now include anything stringy and raw (like celery), hard (like raw carrots), or easy to choke on (like grape tomatoes).


Fish is the almost-perfect food. It's packed with protein, calcium and iron, and loaded with heart-healthy omega-3s. Studies show it can boost brain power, too. Serve up flakes of firm, white-fleshed fish like cod, sole or flounder — baked, poached or broiled — and let your baby dive in. These fish are easier to digest and lowest in mercury. Avoid mercury-laden ones like swordfish, tilefish, king mackerel and shark; nix shellfish too, because they're high in allergens. With all fish, though, you have to be extra-vigilant about going through the pieces to search for and remove any bones. But it's worth it!


Your baby's not ready for steak yet, but you can up his iron intake by giving him soft meatballs made from hamburger or ground turkey (get the kind ground from turkey thighs, which are even higher in iron). To make sure they're not overly crusty and too firm for your baby's tender mouth, cook them in a sauce or soup instead of frying them solo. Then cut the meatballs into very small pieces, put a few on the tray and let the fun begin. Just remember not to overwhelm your little carnivore with too much food, and keep a close eye on him. He may be tempted to stuff it all in his mouth at once — or test the laws of gravity and send the pile to the floor.


Anything made with soy continues to get a bad rap as a baby food from those who are concerned about isoflavones' ability to boost estrogen production, even though the research shows no hormonal effects on babies. But banning tofu from your baby's diet would be a mistake — it's packed with iron, protein and calcium, and it's rich in fiber too. To make it easier for little fingers to pick up (and for Mom to cube quickly), serve the extra-firm kind. If your baby's not bowled over because of soy's blandness, cook some cubes in soup to make it tastier. A few things to watch out for: Because soy can cause food allergies, wait three or four days before you introduce the next new food to gauge your baby's reaction.


It'll be years before your baby can twirl spaghetti on a fork, but start her on the path by dishing out the pasta. Opt for healthy, whole-grain varieties so she develops a taste for it, but be sure to cook it a little longer than you would regular pasta, because it tends to be firmer. Almost any shape is baby-friendly as long as you cut it into small bites — but wheels, shells and bow ties may have special appeal and be easier to handle. If your baby's nuts about cheese, dust a little Parmesan on the pasta for a calcium-boost or serve her some mac and cheese (homemade is best — the packaged kind can contain chemicals and preservatives). And little meat-eaters will enjoy pieces of meat ravioli — with or without sauce (or you can stick to cheese ravioli if she prefers).

Egg yolks

You may have heard that you should avoid feeding babies allergenic foods — including eggs — during the first year. But the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) now recommends introducing allergenic foods early, between 4 and 11 months, to prevent food allergies. And that's a good thing, since they're packed with healthy protein and several essential nutrients. Once your doctor gives you the okay to introduce eggs, the easiest way to slip some into your baby's diet is to hard-boil them, then cut up the yolks into little slivers. Soft scrambled eggs make a good finger food, too.

French toast

Oh la la! What could be a more delicious way to start the day than to eat a few soft cubes of French toast? Make it baby-friendlier (i.e. healthier) by using whole-wheat bread and skipping the syrup. But you can sprinkle a little cinnamon on top (there's no reason to skimp on spices for your baby's sake) and serve it with cut-up blueberries or melon for added sweetness. Other breakfast (or anytime) options: pancakes — especially the multigrain variety — and waffles, as long as they're offered to your little one in small, soft pieces.

Baby choking hazards to avoid

When it comes to feeding your baby solid food, the biggest issue is to avoid choking hazards. So don't let him eat anything unless he's strapped in his high chair and you're sticking close by the whole time.

Always nix any food that can get stuck in your baby's windpipe, which includes:

  • Popcorn
  • Nuts
  • Raisins
  • Raw veggies (including baby carrots)
  • Grapes
  • Pitted cherries
  • Hard fruit
  • Hot dogs (they're also high in sodium, additives and fat — another reason to skip 'em).

Most doctors don't recommend these foods until your child can safely eat them — around 4 years old (though depending on the food and your child, it could be closer to 3 or 5).

From the What to Expect editorial team and Heidi Murkoff, author ofWhat to Expect When You're Expecting. What to Expect follows strict reporting guidelines and uses only credible sources, such as peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions and highly respected health organizations. Learn how we keep our content accurate and up-to-date by reading our medical review and editorial policy.

  • What to Expect the First Year, 3rd Edition, Heidi Murkoff.
  •, Baby Self-Feeding: Tips, Tricks and Finger Foods to Try, 2020
  •, Introducing Solids, 2020
  •, Ready for Real Food?, November 2018.
  • American Academy of Pediatrics, Starting solid foods, October 2020.

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When Can My Baby Eat Macaroni and Cheese
